If you or a loved one is in need of services in order to remain independent at home, or active in the community, please contact us. We provide the following:
- Home-delivered meals (Meals on Wheels).
- Outreach and counseling through the senior centers and ServiceLink to help navigate through Medicare and other services.
- On-demand transportation. We drive clients in lift-equipped vans to medical appointments, grocery shopping, the senior centers and more.
- Activities, educational programs and congregate meals.
- Volunteer opportunities through RSVP at our centers and in the community.
- Chore Corps, assisting with chores, repairs and safety modifications in and around homes.
- Telephone reassurance, providing a daily call to elderly individuals who are home-bound, living alone and at risk.
Visit or call your local center for more information, we look forward to having you be a part of our community!