Welcome to Grafton County Senior Citizens Council, Inc.

Links of Interest

Links of Interest

National Associations/Agencies

Access America for Seniors
Provides easy access to government services and benefits for seniors.
Administration on Aging
The Alzheimer's Association
Offers targeted, up-to-the minute information on Alzehimer research, treatment,care, and much more.
American Association of Homes and Services for the Aging
Provides tips on how to choose assisted living and nursing home facilities, and has a searchable directory of it's members.
National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys Inc.
Updates on legal issues affecting the elderly and a searchable directory for consumers
looking for an elder-law specialist in their state.
National Association of Unclaimed Property Administrators
Can help families locate and reclaim lost or forgotten property titles, bank and brokerage accounts,
pension claims and other assets.
National Council for Aging Care
United Way of America
Senior Net
Devoted to the cyber-education and training of people aged 55 and up.
This article covers things like LGBTQ+ Health Disparities, Financial Planning, Estate Planning Issues, and Inclusive Housing and Long Term Care for Seniors.
click here

New Hampshire Associations/Agencies

State of New Hampshire
Caregiver Connections
The Caregiver Connections website is a link for & about Family Caregivers in Western NH. It is a link to family caregiver resources, to “how can I help” information, and to education & training for individuals and groups.
A New Hampshire network that links older adults, adults with disabilities and those who care about them with resources to help meet their needs.









Volunteer Hours

Bus Rider

“I don’t know how I would manage grocery shopping or go to a doctor’s appointment if it were not for the senior center bus service,”
—said a grateful woman at a Tuesday gathering
 at Newfound Area Senior Services in Bristol.


“I think of GCSCC as a resilient, stretchy fabric of programs, services, and opportunities that keep older individuals connected to each other and to the larger world. There is much more than lunch available at GCSCC’s eight centers. People come to tap a variety of opportunities to increase or sustain both physical fitness and mental accuity. They bring their experiences, interests, and knowledge to share in structured classes, at the game table, on outings, or in small groups. Sometimes they come for information about services  or to volunteer in service to others. Taken altogether, GCSCC builds, strengthens, and enlivens communities for the greater good. Don’t we need that now more than ever?”

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