Welcome to Grafton County Senior Citizens Council, Inc.


Kate Kelly, RSVP Bone Builders Master Trainer.
The RSVP Volunteer Center   
Serving Grafton & Sullivan Counties 
 We invite YOU to enrich your life and the lives of others through volunteering. The RSVP Volunteer Center: 
  • Mobilizes the talents and skills of people age 55+ to provide creative solutions to community needs through volunteering.
  • Matches people with volunteer opportunities that suit their interests, skills, and schedule.
  • Partners with local not-for-profit agencies and municipalities (delete meeting community needs in Grafton and Sullivan Counties in New Hampshire)
  • Provides free supplemental insurance that covers you while you serve.
  • Offers mileage assistance for some activities.
  • Provides on-going support to volunteers.
Get involved! Call us toll free (1-877-711-7787)
Or email rsvp@gcscc.org 
AmeriCorps Seniors bring out the best of America
Signature RSVP Programs
Volunteer Opportunities & Services

Chore Corps 
Good Morning 
RSVP Bone Builders
Home-Delivered Meals 

RSVP AmeriCorps Seniors volunteers’ activities focus on helping older adults (age 60+) veterans and their families, family caregivers, and adults with disabilities to age in place. These volunteers have chosen to give back to the community in different ways. They are screened, have had back-ground checks plus orientation and training. The services are provided free of charge because the volunteers donate their time. However, donations are always welcome! 
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